

When it comes to getting a job interview, getting a date, or getting anywhere in life, I’ve found that things become much easier when you have proof-of-work.

The “what” related to proof-of-work depends on what you’re aiming for. For people in visual media and design, it’s typically a portfolio. For people who are trying to break into the film industry, it’s usually a demo reel, or highly appraised scripts or completed films.

For example, if you were looking to hire an artist, you’d be far more comfortable spending money on someone whose work you’ve seen before and whose style you’re appreciative of.

If you’re trying to be a serious anything and you’re just starting out, figuring out what “proof” is used in your field is step one. Step two is making your own proof and making it visible.

You never know just who’s watching, reading, or engaging with your work when you put it out there. Even if you don’t get someone’s chance view on your work, having proof-of-work is great because you have something to send out! You have the ability to direct people in a way that’s favorable to you. You’ve done the hard work and the work is now your own salesmen. It’s passive income but for serendipity.
